Well, we can’t help you with your troublesome in-laws, but we can help you keep unwanted pests away from your Thanksgiving feast.

In the Southeast, as soon as the temperatures drop below 70 degrees, many residents start bundling up and bracing for the cold. However, people aren’t the only ones not accustomed to the fall and winter seasons down here. Pests like spiders, termites, rodents, and cockroaches are also on the search for warmer conditions, and you bet they’ll start looking near the cozy confines of your home.

Here are our top tips to keep your home invite-only this Thanksgiving:

Consider Where You Leave Your Firewood

We know the drill. Chilly weather calls for roasting marshmallows and drinking hot cider by the fire. When storing your firewood, leaving it too close to your home can draw termites closer to your foundation. To avoid a termite invasion, stack wood at least 20 feet away from your home and keep it at least five inches off the ground.

Search For Possible Entry Points

Being aware of where pests can sneak into your home can give you the head start you need in order to keep them out in the first place. This can be as small as the gaps where pipes or electrical wires enter your home, small tears on window screens, or worn weather-stripping. The best approach for this is to add caulking or insulated foam to block any critters from wandering inside.

Take Preventative Action

Nobody wants to deal with the hassles of dealing with pest and rodent control after the fact. We advise you to not wait until it’s too late. Not only will continuous maintenance prevent an infestation from taking over your home, but it will help protect your family in the long run. Insects and rodents can bring diseases with them and pose serious risks to your family and your home.

If you’re looking to protect your home from unwanted fall pests, our team of professionals is here to help. Visit https://russellpestsolutions.com/contact/ to schedule an appointment with one of our trained field specialists.