Bees are essential pollinators, but when their colonies establish residence in and around your home, it can become a cause for concern. In Northeast Florida, where various bee species thrive, understanding how to prevent and detect bee infestations is crucial. Russell Pest Solutions is here to guide you through effective strategies to coexist with bees peacefully and provide prompt assistance if a potential infestation arises.

Prevention Tips:

1. Seal Entry Points: Conduct regular inspections of your home for openings, gaps, and cracks. Seal these entry points to discourage bees from establishing nests in the structure.

2. Proper Waste Management: Dispose of garbage regularly and ensure trash cans have tight-fitting lids. Ants are drawn to the scent of food waste.

3. Regular Yard Maintenance: Keep your yard well-maintained by trimming overgrown vegetation and removing debris. Bees often seek shelter in secluded and undisturbed areas.

4. Bee-Friendly Plants: Be mindful of the plants you choose for your garden. While attracting pollinators is essential, opt for bee-friendly plants that are less likely to attract nesting bees.

5. Professional Inspection: Schedule routine inspections with Russell Pest Solutions to identify potential bee nesting sites and address them before they become problematic.

Signs of a Bee Infestation:

1. Increased Bee Activity: If you notice a sudden surge in bee activity around your property, it may indicate a nearby nest.
2. Visible Nests: Keep an eye out for bee nests, which can be found in trees, wall voids, or even underground. Early detection is key to preventing larger infestations.
3. Audible Humming or Buzzing: The presence of bees may be noticeable through the distinctive humming or buzzing sounds they produce around their nests.
4. Presence of Honeycomb: The discovery of honeycomb structures, especially in wall voids or attics, is a clear indication of a bee infestation.

Connect with Russell Pest Solutions:

If you suspect a bee infestation on your Northeast Florida property, it’s essential to act promptly. Russell Pest Solutions offers humane and professional bee removal services, ensuring the safety of both your family and the bees.

Call Today!

For swift and effective bee control solutions, contact Russell Pest Solutions at (904) 868-7378. Don’t wait – protect your home and family from potential stings and collaborate with experts to safely relocate any unwanted bee colonies.