It’s likely that while unpacking an old box from the garage, or clearing out books from the attic, you’ve come across a small, teardrop-shaped, scaly insect that is gray or blue in color. Named for their silvery, metallic appearance and their fish-like movements, these pests are known as silverfish. While they’re not harmful to humans, infestations can occur and these slithering pests can cause a lot of property damage. Read on to learn more about what exactly silverfish are and how to get rid of them with help from Russell Pest Solutions.
What are Silverfish?
Silverfish are insects with no wings and a flat body. Silverfish are capable of thriving in most climates, but often prefer dark, damp areas such as basements, attics, and bathrooms. These pests are attracted to paper and damp clothing, which is why they’re commonly found in stored boxes in garages and sheds.
Despite their unsightly appearance, silverfish are not poisonous; they don’t bite and are not known to cause disease in humans or pets. However, like many other insects, silverfish shed their skin and can leave behind scales. These scales will eventually turn into dust and can trigger allergic reactions in some people.
Infestation and Property Damage
Unfortunately, it can be hard to tell when a silverfish infestation is present because these pests are nocturnal and their flat bodies and quick movements allow them to hide easily. Additionally, an infestation can start quickly without your knowledge because silverfish reproduce very quickly; one species can lay as many as 20 eggs a day!
Although they can be hard to spot, they will leave damage behind. Silverfish are known for their destructive feeding habits and can wreak havoc in the form of property damage. Silverfish diet consists mainly of sugars and carbohydrates, which means they often ruin papers, clothing, wall paper, and dried goods. If you notice damage to these items and areas around your home, it is important to call the professionals right away.
Preventing and Getting Rid of Silverfish
Steps can be taken to prevent a silverfish infestation in your home including opening vents in crawl spaces, storing dry goods and pet foods in airtight containers, vacuuming regularly to help remove fallen food crumbs, using dehumidifiers in damp areas and making sure the outside of your home is caulked and well painted.
While prevention is possible, once the infestation is present, these pests can be hard to exterminate. The qualified team at Russell Pest Solutions has experience dealing with all types of pests, including silverfish, and will provide the right solution to keep these pests out of your home. If you’re interested in learning more or have any questions, call us at 904-868-7378 and speak with one of our trained field specialists.
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